Comfrey Tea
(Symphytum officinale) (3 April 2014) I have mentioned this indispensable tonic and fertiliser tea often (possibly incessantly) so have included a recipe below: Tightly pack comfrey leaves in a lidded container with hole drilled in the bottom, weighing them down with a couple of bricks to expedite the process. Sit container on surround such as one constructed with building blocks, and place watering can or similar beneath to collect comfrey concentrate over a few weeks (should start to get some liquid after around 10 days). Store the concentrate in a glass or plastic bottle in a cool dark place, watching not to over-tighten the lid as it tends to ferment in warmer weather. It is quite strong so only needs to be used sparingly – around one part comfrey concentrate to 15 parts water. Or, if you are in a hurry, there’s always option B: Stuff a bunch of fresh comfrey leaves along with worm castings/compost/manure in a piece of stocking and suspend it inside filled watering can for a few days to do its magic. When it’s mushy, smells a bit ‘fruity’, and the contents have dis-coloured the water, voila, it is ready to go! |